Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Something slightly new about the blog....

I know most blogs are like this. But I am going to start using this blog as my own personal diary. I have kept a diary for a long time. In high school, I had about 10 total for my 4 years in school. Unfortunately, they got lost in moves over the years. And then, things got super busy. Now that I am old, I am feeling the need to write more and more.When I was younger, I wrote stories, poems, quotes, books to read. I had stuff published and I feel it kept me from going to jail at times.  I feel sometimes like I am 80 years old now because I get crabby and feel the need to air out my head. I think this is the best place to do it. Plus, hopefully, maybe, someone, somewhere will relate to my feelings, get some help from my feelings or at the very least, get a laugh out of my feelings/posts. This space will now be the outlet for my life. Pictures, sayings, goings on, quotes, anecdotes, recipes, thoughts.....its all fair game here. I hope I get followers. I hope this will help...SOMETHING. I hope I am better at this than I think....Again, its all up in the air and fair game. Feel free to send friends or family here if you think they can relate to someone on the page. Hey, I may even give advice....It may not help...But it is sure to be wacky and funny:)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Still some time.....

I really need to get better at this posting thing!....Things have been going ok. I had surgery last week for a new port.....~~~~~~
I also got a new tattoo which I love.
It means 'narrow escape from death' which is so fitting for me.....And I am thinking about getting two more. More on that to come. I started managing at Chili's and work 10 hour shifts....which I also love. ~~~~~
School starts in the fall and I only have two more semesters before I graduate. Olivia has another gymnastics meet on May 23rd....
I have a feeling she will blow everyone out of the water like last time. Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray for her! James has his testing for the highway patrol and passed his physical parts with flying colors. A mile and a half in about 12 minutes, 68 pushups and 40 some situps....NICE JOB BABE!
Lastly, the whole Arizona move is looking more promising. Though it isn't happening as soon as we would have liked, we had another friend move there....That makes 4 families that live int he phoenix area. So while the move is put on hold, we are looking forward to being in the warm weather with more of our friends. Peace out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It has seriously been almost a year since I posted? Yikes! Anyways...some updates....Olivia is full speed ahead into gymnastics. Here are some snapshots of her past meet, which she swept. We also just found out last night (3/22/10) that she has been invited to be in level 4, the only one out of her team! Great Job Liv....we are so proud of you~

Friday, April 24, 2009

Warm Weather..

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. As of right now the temp is 83 degrees! I went to the park with some friends for lunch. Sometimes I feel funny cause they all have little ones, I feel like I am a scary lady intruding on mommy time....But it was fun. Here are some pictures from the afternoon. PS- I am waaayy sunburned.

And my favorite shot of the day...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh Boy!

Spring has sprung here in Cleveland! With that said, I am up to my ears in school. I have planned about 87 lesson plans this semester. I have read journals about what is developmentally appropriate for children this 4-8 years. I have written papers on ADHD, full day kindergarten, children from low incomes in schools, No Child Left Behind, a project approach classroom and constructivist approaches to teaching. I love being in the classroom but I cannot stand the useless garbage I am faced with sometimes. I want to be in a class of wonderful and brilliant 8 year olds. 8 is a great age for so many reasons....How ever I thought I would share some of what I have learned about all school aged children. Maybe it will prove that I DO in fact know what I am talking about...And that all this schooling is maybe paying off. Maybe it will also make me feel better about doing schoolwork 35 hours a week on top of being a mom, working, planning church lessons, gymnastics, cooking, cleaning and life.....YIKES....hope someone likes this:) Have a great day
5 year olds:

Physical and motor skills milestones for a 5-year-old may include:
Skipping, jumping, and skating with good balance
Maintaining balance while standing on one foot with eyes closed
Tying own shoelaces
Showing increased skill with simple tools and writing utensils
Dress and undress easily
Cut out shapes using scissors
Tell date of birth.
Can recite address (and SHOULD!)
Uses a fork and knife well
Cuts on a line with scissors

Sensory and cognitive milestones include:
Increasing vocabulary to over 3000-5000 words
Understands about 13,000 (meaning that they can correctly use 3-5 thousand words in language but can understand 13 thous.)
Identifying coins
Properly naming the primary colors and possibly many more
Decreasing aggressive behavior
Outgrowing earlier childhood fears
Questioning others, including parents
Strongly identifying with the parent of the same sex
Likes to argue and reason
Understands that books are read from left to right, top to bottom (I don't think people realize that this is EXTREMELY important in development!)
Invents games with simple rules
Can take turns and share, but doesn't always want to
Expresses anger and jealousy physically
Begins to have a very basic understanding of right and wrong
Sleeps 10-11 hours at night

Ways to encourage a 5-year-old's development may include:
Providing the necessary space for physical activity
Instructing the child to participate in -- and learn the rules of -- sporting activities
Encouraging the child to play with other children, which helps develop social skills
Playing creatively with the child
Visiting local areas of interest
READING TOGETHER!!! ( Dr. Suess book's are especially important. They include almost all of the neccesary steps needed to read fluently)

I think that ultimately, we need to realize that children are just that. I think that as parents, we expect our children to act a certain way or we expect them to do more than they actually can (sit for long periods of time, be nice to other children, not talk back). Children are not mini adults. Tommorow I will post them for 6 year olds.....Are you ready?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Woohoo for warm weather! James, Olivia and I went to the park last week and we had a great time. James and Liv loved goofing off....they also enjoyed death defying tricks! Here is some of the time at the park, Enjoy!

Monday, March 23, 2009


My aunt Joan retired recently and my aunt Lori had a party at her house to celebrate. My family was loud, crazy and had a little too much fun.....I left early because I was tired and my feet were swollen from working so much. Nevertheless, a good time was had and people traveled from a far to be there: California, Virginia, Florida, St. Louis, and Columbus.....Here is the result....